Transaction Advisory Services

The emergence of a large number of professional Private Equity and Venture Capital firms, the increasing maturity of capital markets, in terms of the large number of institutional players and improved systems, has provided myriad opportunities in structuring innovative deals by raising debt or arranging equity financing for Corporates.

The ongoing liberalization schemes of the Government is also expected to gain momentum resulting in significant opportunities in the market for Mergers, Disinvestments, induction of strategic partners, Joint-ventures, spin-offs, etc.

We are well equipped to meet the fast changing and evolving requirements, so as to provide our clients with effective solutions that would exceed their shareholders' value creation expectations. We help organizations work smarter and grow faster.

Our valuation practice converges information by understanding the specific industry in which the client operates and provides proactive commercial and market-focused data.

Our professionals along with our expert associates provide independent advice to directors, shareholders, management and other stakeholders to:

  • Business Valuations - determine the right price to pay or accept for a business
  • Determine the value of equity to be issued to new shareholders or partners
  • Evaluate merger / swap ratios
  • Evaluate and defend an unwelcome and unsolicited takeover bid
  • ESOP Valuations
  • Valuations for Purchase Price Allocation in a Slump Sale

The Capital services offered by the us is through a wide network of Private Equity, Venture Capital, Institutional, Angel and High Net-worth Individual to understand what each investor brings to the table and what they look for in potential investees.

Once we understand a client's business and capital needs we will be able to find the right partner who brings more than just capital. We conduct a thorough analysis of the business, prepare the most relevant materials and run a systematic marketing process to find the best investor for our clients.

We also assist in, advising corporations, institutions and sovereign entities on the structure of new debt issues and the refinancing of existing obligations, provide advice on refinancing of acquisitions to replace short term finance with more efficient long - term solutions from the banking sector or the capital markets, help create and implement efficient financing, including both domestic and transnational leasing transactions and provide advice on refinancing of asset-based businesses and the design and financing of novel solutions in vendor financing.

Within the commercial framework of a deal, a wide range of financing and structuring options are possible.

We focus our approach on the most effective options in terms of cost and tax efficiency and provide advice on the alternatives available for all types of corporate transactions including mergers and acquisitions and leveraged buyouts.

The growth of the corporate sector in the recent years along with the liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy has made the subject of business restructuring and reorganization of great interest to businessmen and professionals. Various policy changes have made Indian managements review their business plans in the context of size, reach and global access. Businesses today need to not only to be in a position to survive but also to grow, diversify and consolidate their areas of best practices.

We provide corporate restructuring through a variety of mechanisms, including mergers, acquisitions, divestures, sales etc. assisting clients through its internally developed approaches and methodologies in the entire transaction process-ranging from providing indicative values to deal closure.

We help our clients at every stage of the restructuring exercise keeping in mind the future and the opportunities it brings, by providing competent financial advice.

Additionally, we provides the following services to its clients

  • Framing of Scheme.
  • Coordination with Corporate Lawyer.
  • Coordinate/ pursue the matter with various agencies involved.

Even before a deal has signed, there still remains a considerable chunk of work that needs to be completed. Effective time and resource management is critical to the successful completion of a transaction.

Our services include setting up and monitoring the timetable, taking each step forward towards completion and working closely with other professionals working on the transaction. We cutomize our services to the needs of our clients and provide them with regular progress reports.

Our services include

  • Discussing the valuation
  • Negotiation of financial terms
  • Outlining preferable terms
  • Briefly describing tax and accounting consequences of each proposal
  • Suggesting counter proposal alternatives
  • Communicating with interested parties
  • Reporting potential problems
  • Attending and assisting in all negotiating sessions leading to a transaction
  • Helps manage the negotiation process and achieve successful implementation without undue delay

We establish price expectations and realistic valuation parameters taking into account taxation and other industry norms to ensure the most beneficial structure for sale.

We also identify and assess prospective purchasers, nationally and internationally. We design the process to maximize proceeds for the vendor whether by competitive bidding or other methodologies.

Our approach involves our strength to nurture the core capabilities with a view to attain and sustain a leadership position in the market, aim at specialization, which may involve divesting from non-core investments and concentrating on the core competencies. We help our clients at every stage of the exercise keeping in mind the future and the opportunities it brings, by providing competent financial advice.

The term due diligence describes a general duty to exercise care in any transaction. It spans investigation into all relevant aspects of the past, present, and predictable future of the business of a company. The main purpose behind conducting due diligence usually is

Confirmation that the business is what it appears to be;
Identify potential "deal killer" defects in the target and avoid a bad business transaction;
Gain information that will be useful for valuing assets, defining representations and warranties, and/or negotiating price concessions;

At Suresh Anchaliya & Co., we believe that effective due diligence depends on identifying and managing significant transaction issues, anticipating and identifying potentially important risk and negotiation issues. Our approach is to save time, money and effort as well as to help in influencing the price at the outset of the deal.

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