Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) is the legislation that governs the foreign currency in India with the objective of facilitating external trade, balance of payments and promoting the orderly development and maintenance of the foreign exchange market in India.

We provide services to investors to facilitate their investments into India, including advising on investment strategy, consultation for doing business outside India, obtaining permissions for setting up office including assistance for Joint Ventures (JV) and handling other routine compliances including obtaining permissions from RBI under FEMA.

We provide the following FEMA/ RBI related services

  • Compliance of the procedure including Chartered Accountants Certification for repatriation on Income/Assets from India.
  • Making applications to Reserve Bank of India for Purchases/ Sale of Shares, Debentures & Securities and directly to and from Residents and Non Residents in India and outside India.
  • Making application to Reserve Bank of India for Purchase/Sale of Residential and Commercial Property including renting out of property.
  • Any specific advice required in relation to FEMA/ RBI matters.
  • Consultancy On implications of various provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
  • Planning the matters/ transactions/ projects/ agreements involving FEMA
  • Collaborations In/ Outside India related compliances
  • Investments Outside India (Overseas Investments) related compliances
  • Investments By Foreign Enterprises, Foreign Residents in India (FDI) related compliances
  • Non Resident Indians (NRI)/Persons of Indian origin (PIO) - Privileges and obligations under FEMA
  • Professional services in the field of obtaining Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval for FDI
  • External commercial Borrowings( ECB) - Law Procedures and Compliance
  • Investment in Real Estate Sector through FDI and investment by NRI/ PIO in Real Estate sector - Law procedure and compliance
  • Residential status of Individuals - Law, procedure and compliance
  • Reserve bank Of India - Professional services in the field of obtaining permission under various provisions of FEMA, Filing of Intimations, Statutory Forms & Returns
  • Statutory Compliances - As per Requirements of FEMA and their compliance
  • Taxation – Of foreign enterprises, opinion, consultancy and compliance
  • International Transactions covered under FEMA - Implications of Transfer pricing law and Double Taxation Agreements(DTA)
  • Professional services for obtaining Import - Export Code ( IEC ) from DGFT

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